The last couple of weeks I’ve been looking at the following concept: Inferior (-10)------We’re All Equal (0)------Superior (+10) The ultimate truth is that in our humanity we’re all equal, but our brains can tell us otherwise. Regardless of whether we might think we’re better or worse than … [Read more...]
Continuing Inferior and Superior Thinking Pt 2 (Communication series)
Last week we considered the idea that I come from a mindset that is inferior based while my wife and friend come from one that is a superior – they are so weird (written with love). To take this further, let’s consider this on a scale: Inferior (-10)------We’re All Equal (0)------Superior … [Read more...]
How Does Your Brain Lie to You? (Communication series)
How Does Your Brain Lie to You? (Communication series) The last couple of weeks I’ve mentioned the idea that we can say things that aren’t heard correctly using the idea that one person says, “Circle,” and the other person hears, “Square,” or “Circle, you idiot.” I’ve recently learned a new … [Read more...]
Handling a Bad Moment (Part of the communication series)
One of the great things about marriage and living with someone who is closely tied to you is it can lead to new opportunities to learn and practice tools for communication. Is that a nice way of saying you’ll have crappy days? Crappy days are never what we wake up in the morning hoping will happen: … [Read more...]
We Don’t Always Hear What’s Actually Said (with bonus tips)
Communication is difficult because it can be hard to line up what you’re saying with what people are hearing. Sometimes we say “Circle,” and people hear “Square,” or “Circle, you idiot”; it all depends on how our brain is feeling in the moment. It’s amazing how often words are misinterpreted or … [Read more...]
Venting (Why Sharing is Important Pt3)
In the last two lessons, we looked at the importance of talking and journaling. Both of these activities fall in the category of venting. Learning to vent in a healthy way is one of the most important things we can learn to do, especially when our world has become so tap driven (e.g. texting and … [Read more...]
The Importance of Talking (Why Sharing is Important Pt1)
From my experience, women tend to be external processors (aka talkers) while guys tend to be internal processors (aka in their head). That’s a fun difference: (woman) “Why don’t you talk more?” (guy) “There’s nothing to talk about.” (woman) “I want you to tell me about your feelings.” (guy) … [Read more...]
How Does a Humble Person Talk?
In the last lesson we considered the idea that being humble sits in the middle between Appearing Cocky and Self Deprecating where Humble is about not always being first or always being last. In this lesson, let’s go a little further. It’s one thing to say we need to be humble, but if we don’t know … [Read more...]