I was recently talking with a friend who was struggling with communication in his relationship – a therapist who had a discussion about communication; how rare is that? What was unique about this situation was it was the guy complaining about it – yeah, it happens. His wife is a combination hider … [Read more...]
The 4 Types of Loneliness Pt2
Last week I discussed a situation that arose between my wife and I in order to teach eight lessons I use for communication. Considering the title of the post was “The 4 Types of Loneliness” it didn’t really make a lot of sense – you’re welcome. It’s now time to get more specifically into the … [Read more...]
The 4 Types of Loneliness Pt1 (8 Communication Tips)
After a particularly rough day, my wife said to me that she feels like a single parent. When I heard that, are you thinking I felt warm and squishy like I was given an emotional hug? You guessed it… wrong. As someone who preaches the importance of self control… it was borderline for me. You know … [Read more...]
Do You Want Fairness or to be the Better Person?
People suck... is that too honest? I’m including myself on that list, so it’s okay. Sometimes it’s hard not to say or do something I shouldn’t, but what can you expect when I’m a person? I might be a therapist, but sometimes I forget to bite my tongue and I say something I shouldn’t. I find the … [Read more...]
Why Guys Don’t Listen to Their Wives
As a therapist, I regularly hear women complain that their husbands don’t listen to them. Does my wife complain about this? I don’t know. That’d require me to listen to her. What’s funny is a lot of women think I’m a great listener and will even say how lucky my wife is, but then I point out if I … [Read more...]
How People Screw Up Conversations
Ever wonder why they call it the “terrible twos?” It’s because the child typically discovers the word no, and they use it over and over, or they scream in your face as you try to put on their shoes and coat, which is a form of saying no. It can be so infuriating: “Stop saying no! Listen to me! … [Read more...]
10 Tips to Reduce Fights this Holiday Season
The holiday season has a way of bringing a lot of peace, love, and joy... as well as extreme blow up fights. These “experiences” often happen before or after an event where people are smiling and happy; aw, the magic of the season. It’s strange how ups always find a down while the downs don’t … [Read more...]
Both Sides of a Conflict are Dumb
Some people like to pick a side of a fight; based on this title, I clearly like to find a middle ground where both sides can attack me – genius. In TV sitcom writing, the two key questions every writer is supposed to ask are: “Why are they fighting? Why are they both right?” These two questions are … [Read more...]