As a child I remember being told “The more God gives you, the more He expects.” Sounds innocent, right? Not with my twisted brain. It made it feel like I was stuck in a permanent debt to God always needing to do something more and better because He gave me great family, friends, and home. I mean … [Read more...]
Today We Celebrate!
Easter is a day of celebration. For a Christian like me, the two greatest events in human history are Easter and my birth... I mean Jesus’ birth; He’s a little more important than me. Christmas celebrates the Son of God coming to Earth; if I was the Son of God I think I’d pass on that trip (me as … [Read more...]
Do you wish your parents were proud of you?
I had an important realization this week. One of those moments where it was like “Man, I’m an idiot! How didn’t I see this before? It’s so obvious... now.” For most of my self-aware life a constant theme has been wanting to make my parents proud of me, especially my dad. This desire became even … [Read more...]
Why God Made the Mentally Challenged
What did 3 Masters degrees teach me? Everyone is better than me at something, and everyone is better than you at something. When I was a kid I wanted to have the best marks in my grade because I thought that would mean I’d be the smartest kid in the class. Turns out this helped me be the best at … [Read more...]
What Ticks Me Off about God
I was recently listening to some Christian music (because I’m cool). The one song was about God’s grace, a normal topic for this genre, but for some reason, it made me angry. I then realized what bothers me so much about God... grace. You know, the thing that usually draws people to Him? Yeah, it … [Read more...]
Why Jesus is Okay with Gay Marriage Pt2
Last week I wrote a list of points about why Jesus is okay with gay marriage including a verse by Paul in Romans that says “You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse!” (Rom 2:1). It’s definitely a post worth checking out for seeing some different … [Read more...]
Why Jesus is Okay with Gay Marriage
Please Note: I am not claiming that I know exactly what Jesus believes, but I'm looking at the evidence and making a conclusion. Gay marriage is a topic that has not been treated with a lot of love by the Christian community at large. As a follower of Jesus I apologize for this unloving … [Read more...]
Do you wonder what your purpose is?
What is my purpose? This is the question I keep hearing lately. It doesn’t matter whether I’m with Christians or non; people want to know why they are in this world. If you’re one of these people, let me help you figure out your purpose; it’s simple: You don’t have one. Yes, you have a general … [Read more...]