Over the last few weeks we’ve been looking at the Seven Deadly Sins because they’re a nice way of condensing what’s considered sin into seven basic categories (yea for simple). The most interesting thing I learned from my limited research on the topic is how every sin is connected to how we’re not … [Read more...]
Can God Appreciate Porn? (Porn Pt2) I believe the devil has three main goals: To make us so ashamed of ourselves we hide from God like in the Garden of Eden To cause division between people To make good people hide from the world in order to prevent them from making it better I can’t … [Read more...]
The Seven Deadly Sins: The Dyson Culture Pt2
I’m not Catholic, but the Catholic Church was brilliant when they came up with the Seven Deadly Sins. At one point this list inspired people to be better. Now it seems like they’re a lot of people’s goals: lust, laziness, gluttony, greed, and pride – that pretty much summarizes our Dyson culture. … [Read more...]
The Dyson Culture – Our culture sucks
I keep meeting people who say they find our me-focused culture scary and they want me to help with the anxiety it causes them. They’re often surprised by my response: “The good news is you should feel anxious because our culture sucks hard, but let’s look at some options to help.” I like to call … [Read more...]
My Fear of Wasting Time (Being Fruitful Pt2)
I’ve had a number of people say to me, “As a therapist, you must have a real heart for the homeless people living in the tent cities scattered around.” It’s nice they’d think I’d be compassionate... but I’m not. (Does that sound bad?) To correct them: my job is therapist, but I’m a recovering … [Read more...]
We Need to be Fruitful
I recently had to visit the West 5th mental health department in Hamilton... not for me. I should be clear on that. That wouldn’t sound great if the therapist ended up there: “I have the best advice for being healthy... I never use it, but you should.” I will also be clear that I hope to never … [Read more...]
Anger: The Exploding Kind… Going Deeper
Last week we looked at exploding based on the following two scales and I pointed out I lost it after being Overly Patient and Under Reacting. This caused me to bottle up to the point I suddenly had an Overreaction: Impatient (-10)-------------Patient to a Point (0) -------------Overly Patient … [Read more...]
Anger: The Exploding Kind
I’m obsessed with scales... no, it’s not a weight thing. It’s hard to care about weight when your main dietary source is carbs and the second is cookies. I’m obsessed with scales for understanding things: Is it too much, too little, or just right? Who knew the author of Goldilocks and the Three … [Read more...]
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