It’s Saturday night and my plans are set. I’m going to meet up with some friends for a rousing game of “What do you want to do? I don’t know; what do you want to do?” It’s an excellent game where there really is no clear winner or loser, but everyone gets annoyed: (person 1) “What do you want to … [Read more...]
How can people do such horrible things?
My grandfather was an alcoholic... I’m not bragging. I never knew him because he passed away from liver cancer before I was born... again, I’m not bragging; that would be dumb. The thing is, he was a really good man... for about half of his life. He was originally an old fashioned country boy who … [Read more...]
Porn vs. Cosmo
The following topic will likely get me in a lot of trouble... awesome. For some, I will seem judgemental while to others I won’t seem judgemental enough. Let’s see what happens shall we? Here’s a fun question to ask people: what’s more dangerous, amateur porn or Cosmo (or other fashion … [Read more...]
I met a hot girl… (beautiful vs hot)
This past weekend I was at an event where I met a lot of great people, but one in particular stood out for me; I met Rachelle Wilde, a Playboy Playmate... wow. I’ve met my share of beautiful people, but... wow... just wow. If I may be so bold, pictures of her don’t actually portray how pretty she … [Read more...]
How I want to grow as a person
I don’t understand partying. I’m not like an alien asking (said in alien accent): “What is it to ‘party’?” What I don’t understand is why people think it’s so great: “This weekend we’re going to party! Yeah.” I will say I loved to party back before my age hit double digits; birthday parties were … [Read more...]
The Steps to a Fight
This past weekend I got into a heated verbal conflict with my sister-in-law. My family almost never fights, but it happened – well done me – and it only stopped because my mom said: (in an angelic voice) “Okay, time for a new conversation.” The fight left both my sister-in-law and I upset. No, I’m … [Read more...]
What’s the Intention?
Every night before I go to bed I sit on my couch and do some type of journaling and reading to decompress from the day. It’s at this time that my cat, the one who baptized me with his nose cannon as described in last week’s post, usually joins me. He loves to sleep on my lap, which is a practical … [Read more...]
Forgive and Protect
My cat has a cold, or at least the feline equivalent of a cold. He has a stuffed up nose and sneezes. He doesn’t have a sexier meow (a sexier voice is the one bonus of having a cold... the gravelly, want-to-be Barry White voice not the stuffed up, nasally voice like someone shoved their fingers … [Read more...]