It is official; I have been infected. No, it’s not anything that requires a trip to the pharmacy… not that I would go anyway, because I’m way too cheap for medicine. Besides, time heals all wounds… I may be taking that out of context: (doctor) “Don’t worry; time will heal that gunshot wound. Time is more powerful than metal lodged into your aorta. Going unconscious is normal; it’s part of the healing process.” Today, I had to call my MasterCard Company. The representative I spoke to was very pleasant and helpful. The thing that threw me off, however, was to say good-bye he said, “Have a nice day, and Merry Christmas.” I love Christmas. I love the carols and the decorations and giving presents and the parties and feeling like a kid again with awe and wonder. I love Christmas so much on Christmas Eve I’ll go to the mall a few hours before closing just to greet random people. It’s such a relaxed and cheerful time. It’s kind of what I expect living in a hippie commune is like… but with better bathing habits. Christmas Eve at the mall before closing is as peaceful as Boxing Day is… stupid. Yet, when this person said Merry Christmas my first response wasn’t to reply Merry Christmas, which it should have been. Instead, my first thought was, “Merry Christmas? Can he say that?” When I hung up the phone I realized I’ve become one of those people. I’ve been infected. For that moment I became one of those people I hate. One of those people whose only joy in life is to question everything others do and make them feel guilty for being less than perfect. What’s happened to me?
This has been a year where everywhere I turned I seemed to get in trouble. No matter how hard I tried or how many people appreciated me, there’d be someone who had the power to completely screw me over. The pain they’ve inflicted has led me to living in a perpetual state of fear. Whenever someone says I need to talk to you I assume I’m in trouble. Whenever I see a message on my phone I assume I did something wrong. When I receive letters in the mail from certain groups/people I feel sick to my stomach. Thus, I am living in fear rather than love. I still care about those around me, but my love is limited because I’ve become too afraid of disturbing dangerous people. Yet no matter how cautious I am, I can’t help but still get emotionally kicked in the groin. Some would simply say I need to change my state of mind or surround myself with better people, but sometimes you just can’t. Sometimes the reality is there is going to be someone in your life who sucks… or many people who suck. Unfortunately because of my position there was no way I could stand up for myself. I had to simply take it: (stupid person) “You can’t talk about your beliefs.” (me) “Okay.” (stupid person) “You can’t joke about that.” (me) “Okay.” (stupid person) “You can’t think that way. You have to be mindless and non confrontational in order to let us, the stupid people, rule our society.” (That’s not a direct quotation) But what can you expect in a society where we question saying Merry Christmas. (paranoid person) “You can’t say that; you have to say Happy Holidays because you could offend someone.” Who? If a Jewish person says to me Happy Hanukah, hey thanks; Happy Hanukah to you too. If a Muslim person says to me have a Rock’n Ramadan (or whatever the proper phrase is) hey thanks; have a Rock’n Ramadan to you too. Why are we so stuck in fear? My apologies for the term Rock’n Ramadan I hope that doesn’t offend anyone… see what I mean? I write Rock’n Ramadan and immediately I get concerned with upsetting someone. I used to have an opinion, but now I’m supposed to know better. The unfortunate truth is the only people who are allowed to have an opinion are those who are completely miserable and ready to complain until they get their way; miserable people like the ones against saying Merry Christmas.
I recently watched the opening episode of Newsroom with Jeff Daniels, which opens with him being in a university lecture hall on a panel answering questions. He’s very funny and non opinionated until the question comes up: “Why is America the best country in the world?” and after being pressured and prodded he goes on a rant to explain why it’s not. Canada is in the same position. We’ve become so focused on rules and so-called equality that we’ve forgotten how to laugh and love. We’ve become a society where the good people have become silent and fearful while the ignorant rule. Shows like Jerry Springer, Family Guy and Honey Boo Boo have become our role models. When are the good people going to stand up and say something? Should we bother… or is that the fear talking? Slowly one by one we’re being infected with this fear that reduces our ability to dream and to want to make a difference. I used to be full of passion with limited knowledge, but now it’s reversed; I’m full of knowledge with limited passion. The people who say you can’t do that have been right too many times, and their ability to ruin good things is often overwhelming that it leads to people like me giving up. Ultimately, I know I’m being a giant wuss, but it’s hard not to be when fewer and fewer people are standing up for what’s right. This needs to change. The stupid people are winning.
Jesus was born into this world because something had to change. This Christmas we’ve reached a similar point. Something needs to change. It’s time the good people started to say no to the bullying complaints of the misers and negative sharks. Nice guys finish last because we just bend over and take it (a reference to disciplinary spanking). It’s time to be a nice guy who stands up for something. This Christmas I want to be proud to say Merry Christmas and not question others for saying it.
So Merry Christmas, and may this Christmas be a time of standing up for what’s right, and may the stupid people in your life lose their voice.
Rev Chad David, Emotional Sex, emotional tune up