Some people like to pick a side of a fight; based on this title, I clearly like to find a middle ground where both sides can attack me – genius. In TV sitcom writing, the two key questions every writer is supposed to ask are: “Why are they fighting? Why are they both right?” These two questions are … [Read more...]
Why this Christian is Okay with Abortion
Based on the title of this post, it could seem like I’m in the mood to make people mad at me, but that’s not the case. As a Christian, I’m supposed to be against abortion... oops. Whether you agree with me or not, however, the main goal of this post is to point out that some things aren’t as cut … [Read more...]
Pro or Anti Abortion, We’re Missing the Root
In the early 90s, abortion was a hot topic and led to stories like a Christian fanatic killing an abortion doctor; you know, the thing you expect of a “spiritual” person who is against murder (some people really are special). For some reason abortion has once again become a hot topic (there must … [Read more...]