If you were to ask me, “What is the biggest challenge you have with your wife?” (you know a question, no one asks in a normal conversation), I would say it’s her being a nice-oholic (can you guess what inspired this series?) You’re probably thinking, “If that’s the problem, that must be nice,” … [Read more...]
The two types of Nice-oholics in Action
Both my wife and I come from families who are prone to be nice-oholics, but they look very different. My wife’s side is very ADD based while mine is very Mary Poppins. What does that mean? Two very different experiences. For instance, my family is very good at looking at a clock, reading a clock, … [Read more...]
Nice-oholic Pt 14: Being Too Nice to Ourselves
What does being too nice to ourselves look like? Vanity, selfishness, rudeness, and a lack of self control. That’s quite the collection, isn’t it? Let’s get into it. One of the most self absorbed and prideful things we can think is “Everyone is looking at me,” and almost everyone does it. Any … [Read more...]
Nice-oholic Pt 13: Is God even Nice?
In the last lesson we considered how God isn’t a nice-oholic by looking at how He doesn’t answer all of our prayers because He’s not a cosmic Santa. Instead, He’s a loving parent who disciplines His children because He’s more worried about making us good people rather than making us spoiled. When … [Read more...]
Nice-oholic Pt 12: Is God a Nice-oholic?
Is God a nice-oholic? There’s an interesting question. I think everyone at some point has at least wanted God to be a nice-oholic: “God, I have this thing I really want… You’re going to give it to me right? You say You love me, so You have to… don’t You?” Unfortunately, it’s easy to forget that … [Read more...]
Nice-oholic Pt 11: Dealing with Shame
One of the greatest struggles for nice-oholics (and others) is dealing with shame. Like all of our emotions, shame is a gift from God (there’s a fun thought). In its proper form, shame is meant to be a threat of repercussion to keep us from doing really dumb things. It’s like the threat of being … [Read more...]
Nice-oholic Pt 6: Being Nice can be Confusing
Being nice isn’t always clear cut. It can actually be confusing, and if you start thinking about whether something is nice or not, it’s easy to over think the variables (thereby not being nice to yourself). But let’s consider some options to demonstrate what I mean. The other week I was writing a … [Read more...]
Nice-oholic Pt 5: Nice is Worth It
Maybe you’re like me, but I wish I knew what I know now when I was younger, especially back when I was starting as a youth pastor almost 20 years ago. (I just choked hard after realizing how long it’s been.) As a therapist I’m supposed to be a professional at dealing with conflict, but back then I … [Read more...]